Mitigant’s Public Beta Release

Mitigant’s Public Beta Release

The Mitigant public beta was released on 01 June 2022. It is a significant milestone for us at Mitigant and we are super excited. Before this release, we had a private beta in Q4 2021. We received lots of feedback, which we have iteratively implemented to improve our customers’ experience and the quality of our platform.

TLDR - You can directly sign up for the Mitigant Public Beta here:

Cloud Security: Innovating Against All Odds

Keeping cloud infrastructure continuously secure is a tough job! Enterprises of different sizes struggle to keep up with the evolving cloud attack techniques and threats. We set out to build a system that takes this pain away and simplifies the task of securing cloud infrastructure. Our journey to building Mitigant started from academia, my co-founders and I were privileged to research techniques to overcome the evolving cloud security pain points enterprises struggle to overcome. This background gave us deep insights into several technical possibilities, including methods yet to be discovered within the cloud security community. Additionally, our experience working and collaborating with several enterprises, ranging from early-stage startups to large enterprises, further balanced our understanding of the cloud security challenges. Mitigant’s Continuous Security Verification Platform, the first of its kind, is the direct product of these combined experiences we are genuinely passionate and determined to build innovative cloud security solutions.

Clearly View Your Cloud Security Posture With Our Dashboard

What’s In this Release

We have worked hard to make this release a reality, here is a summary of the features that are included in this release:

Cloud Security Posture Management

The core of Mitigant’s Continuous Security Verification Platform is a proprietary Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM) System. The CSPM consists of approximately 200 rules covering over 40 AWS services. These rules automatically detect security misconfiguration in the AWS Services and provide prescriptive remediation steps. In addition, Mitigant CSPM supports several cloud security benchmarks, such as PCI-DSS and CIS.

Details of Security Violations Are Intuitively Presented

Cloud Resource Drift Analysis

Another cool feature in this release is the  Cloud Resource Drift Analysis. This feature detects changes in AWS infrastructure including resources that are either created, modified, or deleted. This approach enables enhanced visibility of cloud infrastructure for cloud security and DevOps engineers. In addition, notifications are sent whenever resource drifts are detected, allowing for a prompt response. This feature is essential for secure asset management given that attackers often make changes when compromising an infrastructure for several reasons, e.g., installing backdoors and privilege elevation.

Drift Detection Dynamically Tracks & Detects Infrastructure and Configuration Changes

Automated Assessments and Notifications

The features mentioned above are all automatic and require no extra effort to start gaining security insights into your cloud infrastructure. However, customers can also trigger security assessments on-demand or configure leverage our the provided assessment schedule customizations. The assessment reports generated f are delivered by default to the registered email and can also be configured as slack notifications.

Mitigant's Slack Notifications Can Be Integrated Seamlessly Where You Want It

What’s Coming Next

There are several cool features in various stages of development, some of these will be released before the public beta ends.

  • Enhancement of the drift analysis feature with contextual security information.
  • Visualization of alerts that have been resolved or fixed.
  • Addition of integration channels e.g., Jira and GitHub.
  • Release of our security chaos engineering to bring resilience to security and DevOps teams.

How to Sign Up

We are super excited to invite all companies using AWS to sign up for our public beta using this link - The sign up procedure is seamless, and the onboarding process is non-intrusive and fast.

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